Bek Hyunjin, 벽을 위한 그림 Painting for the Wall, 2022, Ink and oil on paper, graphite, enamel spray paint, kimchi kukmul, taco sauce, collage, dried leaf, 456 x 457.5cm ©백 현진 사진: 김상태, 사진제공: 리움미술관

Bek Hyunjin, 오두막 Hut, 2021. Linen 252 pieces, zinc pipes, sheet zinc, bolt, nut, and hpl laminated plywood,
450 x 358 x 700 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery. Photo: Chung Heeseung

Bek Hyunjin, 동그란 녹색빛01 Round Green-ray01, 2022-2023. Oil and Korean ink on linen, 207 x 198 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 말할 수 없는: 19-05 Intangible: 19-05, 2019. Oil on linen, 93 x 93 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 농담과 통곡의 벽지 Jokes & Wailing Wallpaper, 2019-2020. Oil, enamel spray paint on linen,
186 x 465 cm (polyptych). Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 실직폐업이혼부채자살 휴게실을 위한 그림 2-01 Painting 2-01 for UnemploymentBankruptcyDivorceDebtSuicide Rest Stop, 2017. Oil on oil paper for oil paint, 130 x 230 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 어머니 Mother, 2017. Ink, marker pen on paper, 33 x 24 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 8x2=6, 2014. Oil on paper, 73 x 79 cm. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 암담함과 참혹함 Gloom and Misery, 2014-2016. Oil on oil paper, 136.2 x 106.6 cm.
Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.

Bek Hyunjin, 확실히 잘못된 행실 Certainly Wrong Conduct, 2006. Acrylic on paper, 75 x 105 cm.
Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery.