Bae Young-whan. Golden Ring-A Beautiful Hell, 2012. Gold paint on wood and steel, 350 x 350 x 150 cm. Installation view of solo exhibition "Song for Nobody," at PLATEAU, 2012.

Bae Young-whan. The Way of Man-Array, 2005. Guitars buil with abandoned wood, Size variable. Installation view of solo exhibition "Song for Nobody," at PLATEAU, 2012.

Bae Young-whan. Autonumina, 2010. Installation of celadon objects on wooden shelves, variable dimensions, 151.3 x 26.7 x 21 cm.

Bae Young-whan. (Table)Unrequited, 2010. Hand-planed wood, wood glue, 107.5 x 87 x 85.5 cm.
Frozen Waves, 2010. Celadon objects in artist’s cabinets of plywood and glass and LED lights, suite of 4 cabinets, 37.8 x 240 x 12 cm (3pcs), 37.8 x 200 x 12 cm.
Installation view of solo exhibition “Autonumina,”2010.

Bae Young-whan. Tomorrow, 2009. Installaton view of Botanical Garden Yeomiji, Jeju Island, Korea.

Bae Young-whan. Root in A Minor, 2008. Shards of wine bottles, various liquor bottles, iron, LED lights, epoxy, 130 x 57 (diameter) cm.

Bae Young-whan. Pop Song (for James), 2010. Pieces of broken bottles on abandoned wooden panel, 80 x 122.2 x 1.7 cm.

Bae Young-whan. The Way of Man - First Love 3, 2007. Double guitar built with abandoned sewing machine cabinet, mother-of-pearl inlay, 110 x 49 x 9 cm.