Lee Bul. A Perfect Suffering (After Bruno Taut No.4), 2011. Crystal, glass and acrylic beads on nickel-chrome wire, stainless-steel and aluminum armature, 163 x 171 x 110 cm

Sangbin IM. Subway 1, 2012. Lambda print/diasec, 32.4 x 177.8 / 88.9 x 177.8 cm

Andreas Gursky. Atlanta, 1996. C-print in artist's frame, 186.5 x 259.5 cm

Olafur Eliasson. Emotional activity sphere, 2010. Metal, color effect filter glass, light, wire, Diameter 113.8 cm

Bae Young-whan. A Flower of Night, 2012. Pieces of broken bottles on abandoned wooden panel, 91 x 171 cm

Ham Jin. Untitled 30, 2011. Polymer clay, glue, wire and fishing line, 63 x 65 x 60 cm

Olafur Eliasson. Color experiment no.7 (360 colors), 2009. Oil on canvas, Diameter 180 cm

Noori Lee. Room 20 (trace), 2012. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 cm

Michael C. Martin. Glass (Wallpaper-Orange), 2004. Acrylic on canvas, 66 x 43.2 cm